
The Accidental Greek. My New Blogging Adventure.

The Accidental Greek

Well leave it to me to create not only one but two blogs to try to keep up with and work a full-time job as a Marketing Director! But what I have learned in almost three years of writing Allison Cafe is that focused blogs not only perform better, they are easier to plan content for as well. But picking a topic to blog about should also be something that you are passionate and know something about. So I thought about it. What do I know well?

Well I’ll tell you what I don’t know well enough yet. Everything Greek. You see, I am not Greek by birth but I am now by marriage. (Hence the name The Accidental Greek) And there is so much richness in the culture and so much to learn as a new Greek housewife that I thought what better way to learn and share that knowledge. So here we go, join my on my new blogging adventure when you get a moment. See you soon. And efharisto poli!

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