
I Just Felt Like Running

The other day as I was running, I started thinking about all the helpful tips I’ve learned over the years. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your running program:

  • It isn’t how fast you run, it’s the pace that you keep. When endurance training, it is more important to set a pace that challenges you and try to hold it for the duration of your run. The best race is the one you have with yourself, don’t try to push yourself too early in your training to keep up with others that might be at a different level.
  • Remember to keep your shoulders back and breathe. Taking in air when running is really important, you need oxygen to keep your muscles performing at an optimal level and to keep your energy level up. If you catch yourself turning your shoulders in and slouching, you aren’t able to take in as much air.
  • Be your own coach. If you are trying to pick up the pace during your run you may benefit from doing some speed workouts. After doing a short warm-up jog, try jogging for 100 meters and sprinting the next 100 meters, continuing to alternate for at least 800 meters. You you will get a great calorie burning workout from doing this interval training as well.
  • Listen to your body and give yourself rest when you need it. Your muscles need rest inbetween workouts; and especially as we age we need to listen to our bodies. Pain can often be tolerated, but it can often be a signal from your body that you need to rest.
  • Incorporate strength and flexiblity training into your regimen. Building muscle mass and flexibility can help with your running program by creating stronger and leaner muscles. Try incorporating a yoga class into your weekly routine. Learn how to use free weights or how to use your own body weight for strength training, such as with pilates.

Above all just get out there and do it! The hardest part about getting into shape or staying shape is to force yourself to get out there and exercise on the days when you are tried or busy. Create a buddy system, having a workout partner, often can give you the accountability and the support that you need.

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1 Comment

  • Summer says:

    I was just about to cancel my daily run, but your post inspired me. I drug myself out the door and had the best run I’ve had in weeks. Thanks for the nudge! I’m going to read this again tomorrow.

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